Quiz – Unit 2: Linguistic competence

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Unit 2. Linguistic competence

How much do you know already?

1 / 9

In the TV broadcasting context, to adjust delay in real-time intralingual subtitling…

2 / 9

Plain Language strategies in real-time intralingual subtitling…

3 / 9

When listening and speaking at the same time…

4 / 9

Specific glossaries in real-time intralingual subtitling…

5 / 9

Terminology preparation…

6 / 9

To develop specific thematic knowledge real-time intralingual subtitlers…(Multiple answers are possible)

7 / 9

Real-time intralingual subtitlers have to deliver…

8 / 9

Speaker identificationin real-time intralingual subtitling…

9 / 9

Accuracy in real-time intralingual subtitling…

Your score is

The average score is 78%


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