
The project has a balanced participation of three universities SDI, UAB and SSML, two accessibility service providers Sub-Ti Access and Velotype, one production company ZDF Digital, one certification association ECQA and one end user associations EFHOH.

University of Applied Languages Logo
Logo U A B
ecqa logo
Velotype Pro logo

Interviews of Project Partners

The partners of the LTA project have been interviewed by Fred Radio.
Learn more about the LTA project from the interviews:


“We have to get to know each other and have to learn to understand each other and how are we are going to work together”

“Next meeting is going to be on the 28th March at the SDI in Munich


“Our project is all about real-time intralingual subtitling. About the provision of the service. The main aim of the project is to create training materials for training real-time intralingual subtitlers. At the moment the situation in Europe is that you have the legislation, you have the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, you have the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the Accessibility Act, you have all this legislation triggering actually to provide services.”


Interview with Rocío Bernabé, Deputy Head of the Professional Collage of Translation and Interpreting of the SDI in Munich, Germany, and tenured lecturer at the SDI University of Applied Languages.

“The first thing we have to do is to define the competences for intralingual respeakers and velotypists.”


Interview with Carlo Eugeni, lecturer in conference interpreting at the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators in Pisa, and trainer of respeakers.

“I’ve done one big thing I’m particularly proud of, which is the live subtitling of Pope Francis canonization…”


Interview with Miriam Hagmann, International Project Coordinator for ZDF Digital, Germany.

“This is how live subtitling works. Most people are not aware that live subtitling really implies a live situation…”


Interview with Wim Gerbecks, Co-founder of Velotype, Netherlands.

“With the Velotype keyboard the idea is that you type a chord of keys. […] With every chord of keys you get a whole syllable or a whole word. It is a very different way of typing.”


Interview with Marcel Bobeldijk, President of the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People.

“It is in our opinion that a human right is also for people to have access to information on a television or a website, and also access to cultural life, movies in the cinemas, plays in theatres, etc.”


Interview with Estella Oncins, Postdoctoral Researcher at Transmedia Catalonia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

“The stage we are talking about is called Intellectual Output number four, which is bringing together all these skills, competencies and materials in the form of a MOOC course which will allow people to learn the different skills and competencies that you have to have in order to be a velotypist or a respeaker.”


Interview with Gabriele Sauberer, Vice-President of the European Certification and Qualification Association (ECQA).

“We are doing the same thing for the LTA project, where intralingual real-time respeakers and subtitlers will get a certificate, or certification scheme basically. For the first time they will then be able to show that what they’re doing in practice is complying with European standards.”

FRED Accessible Cinema – 3rd Episode

Accessible Cinema is a periodical programme of Fred Film Radio on media accessibility and inclusion, fostered by Sub-ti Access.
The third episode of the program is focused on the LTA project.

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