IO 1: Skills framework and best practices in training
The report about the skills and competence areas shows the results of an online survey conducted to gather knowledge about the necessary skills and competence areas for the profession. A total of 121 stakeholders in the field participated in the survey, i.e., professionals, trainers, end-users, prospective students and service providers.
The report about the training practices provides you with an overview of current training practices across Europe and the United States. The report provides you with an overview of training practices from 19 trainers in respeaking, velotyping, QWERTY/AZERTY, stenotyping and related areas. The results report on the contents, the techniques, settings, hours, skills, and educational activities.
IO1 was led by the International University of the SDI München, Germany.
IO 1 report: Skills and competences IO 1 report: Training practicesIO 2: Curriculum and course design
This report presents the LTA curriculum for the training of real-time intralingual subtitlers. Based on the Pedagogical and Metodological Curriculum by Najwa Hamaoui, the IO2 report elucidates the overall structure and the motivation behind the choices made, the functionality and learning outcomes of the different modules, and the different ways in which they can be implemented into vocational or academic training courses.
The report includes three realisation pathways: (a) as a 4-6-week MOOC; (b) as a 30 ECTS course; and (c) as a Bachelors degree (180 ECTS).
IO2 was led by the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici di Pisa, Italy.
IO 2 report: LTA curriculumIO 3: Open resource materials
This document reports on the work conducted to create the training materials for the 30 ECTS course. The report describes the development of IO3, the typology of materials, e.g., video lectures, interviews, testimonials, transcripts, and the assessment tools.
This IO3 was led by Velotype, The Netherlands.
IO 3 reportIO 4: Assessment
IO4 report presents the user-centric, iterative methodology followed to evaluate the LTA training materials and the results. The assessment focused on the course structure, content, and on a sample of materials, and was carried out through a questionnaire and a focus group.
This IO4 was led by Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, UAB, Spain.
IO 4 reportIO 5: ECQA certification
IO5 report describes the certification process of the LTA course and training materials as well as the Intersteno-ECQA certificate.
This IO5 was led by the European Certification Qualification Association, ECQA, Austria.
IO 5 reportAnother output of IO5 is a self-assessment test, which is linked to the assessment strategy described in the LTA curriculum (IO2). The test is open-source and includes 66 multiple-choice questions with one or more correct answers. The tool used is Bizexaminer. Click below to know more about your knowledge, abilities and competences in the field.
IO 5: Self-assessment test. Become aware of your skills and abilities2,489 total views, 4 views today