Quiz – Unit 5: Respeaking

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Unit 5. Respeaking

How much do you know already?

1 / 15

What are psycho-cognitive skills in respeaking?

2 / 15

Which strategies can be applied in a speech if you are lagging behind?

3 / 15

Which strategies would you use when the speaker is challenging?

4 / 15

How do you produce coherent subtitles when the speaker reads and accelerates the pace?

5 / 15

How do you signal which speaker the subtitles belong to in case of more speakers?

6 / 15

How do you introduce punctuation while respeaking?

7 / 15

What is the most efficient way to breathe while respeaking rapid speech?

8 / 15

For a good recognition, what is the most effective enunciation technique to adopt?

9 / 15

What do you do if the speaker speaks above your capacity to accurately dictate subtitles?

10 / 15

Before the event to respeak, how do you guarantee maximum recognition by the machine?

11 / 15

During the event to respeak, how do you guarantee maximum recognition by the machine?

12 / 15

After the event to respeak, how do you do if the client asks for your subtitles to produce a report?

13 / 15

How do you try to reach the best quality at work when not at work?

14 / 15

How do you improve your skills daily?

15 / 15

What do you do to enhance concentration on the long run?

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The average score is 66%


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