About the project

Live Text Access is a project co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the EU.

LiveTextAccess (LTA) is a strategic collaboration between educational and non-educational partners that aims to tackle the need for harmonized training in the field of real-time intralingual subtitling.

LTA addresses inclusion and innovation in higher education with a focus on three European priorities:

  • development of curricula to meet labour market and societal needs,
  • development of open-source training resources, and
  • social inclusion.

Real-time subtitles enable live access to audiovisual content and in situations where support for communication is required. The need for real-time subtitles has risen since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) by the European Accessibility Act and the Audiovisual Media Service Directive. They urge service providers to ensure access to people with a visual or hearing disability.

At present, subtitlers often lack specific training, and the profession has no clear or recognised status. LTA aims to design an effective and certified curriculum for real-time intralingual respeakers and velotypists. The training materials will be open source and suitable for in-house, vocational and higher-education training.

Real-time subtitlers trained by LTA will have suitable skills to provide high-quality subtitles in different contexts:

  • Cultural events
  • Parliamentary assemblies
  • Broadcasts
  • Workplace
  • Education

Reference Number: 2018-1-DE01-KA203-004218

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