Let’s get started!

The LTA course is a self-paced course that enables you to acquire the necessary skills to start out as a respeaker or a velotypist. As a respeaker, you will use speech recognition software to create the subtitles, whereas as a velotypist, you will use a Velotype keyboard.

The course on this website is for self-learning. To support you, we provide you with open-source materials designed and taught by renowned experts.

The LTA course includes six self-contained Units that are divided into Elements. This structure is designed to prepare you or your students for the Live Subtitling Certificate by the European Certification and Qualification Association (ECQA). Of course, whether you take the final exam at ECQA or not is completely up to you; taking the exam is not compulsory.

Are you a trainer? If you are designing your own curriculum, you may also be interested in reading about the LTA curriculum described in our IO2 report.

Let’s get started!

Teaser: Living with a hearing loss: a short film Introduction to the course The techniques: Velotyping and respeaking Respeaking track: watch me before you start the training Velotyping track: watch me before you start the training Self assessment: MARS tool Meet the trainers The skills card of the real-time subtitler Reading list

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